
We live in a Postcard!

We live in a Postcard!
(View from our apt.)

The Days are full of Sun And Blue-just Beautiful!
(In fact, so warm that the water drips from our elbows at times)

Fresh Shark from the Ocean for Breakfast 
(We just cut up everything good to go with it and throw it in the pan!)
Are we spoiled or what?!!!

And now we are on our way to Boa Vista, the next island over to visit the branch there.  
We get to visit each member in their home and give a training on Saturday and 
share our talks on Sunday and then a fireside Sunday evening.  Monday we will finish our visits
and return to Santa Maria on Tuesday.  So I will pre-program this for Monday's family home evening.
If couples knew what missions were like, they'd sell everything they have
(except the kids!!!) to get going on one.  
After raising a family-- which is the greatest thing of all,
We think serving a mission is the best, hardest, easiest, most fun, difficult,
trying, educational, amazing kind of roller-coaster-wonderful-blessing ever!
You don't want to miss it!

I love the different colors of the ocean and sky each morning and evening,
the white sand, the beauty all around us,
and the variety of flowers and faces,

However, these photos don't even show the best part of a mission.  
The best part is the eyes of the people when they learn
that they have a Father in Heaven who is real
and who loves them perfectly!  Words cannot touch that moment.

Over and over the same question trickles through my thoughts.
Why would we ever padlock our homes and our treasures here
when we can look up and compare what is prepared and waiting for us there?
Life's real treasures are family and friends.  And those are for keeps!

1 comment:

WT said...

I have had so much fun catching up on your mission!.Blessings to you for your positivity and good work.