
...Beauty for Ashes...Meet Pai

to give unto them beauty for ashes...
Isaiah 61:3
Ahhh, it's Pai!  We shook hand with Pai just as light was leaving the island. We were on our way to some visits; he was on his way to Seminary.  Street shadows stretched us tall as we asked what they were learning in Seminary tonight.  He told us that they were beginning Isaiah.  "It is difficult, but very good",
he smiled.
"Oh! my favorite!" I said and tried to remember how to pronounce: E-Zy-E-US (Isaiah) in Portuguese.  "Right at the beginning, the Prophet said... though our sins be..." (oh, what is the word for crimson?)...Pai spoke right up: "Vermelho"... (escarlata, carmesim)... I smiled and continued..."we can become branco (white) as... "Neve" (snow) we all said together. We told him about snow and his eyes lit up.

He understands those words of Isaiah and about our Savior's promise.  Seven months ago, he was on drugs.  His hair was long and unkept; (the missionaries who taught him said that everyone told them, "don't waste your time on him...he'll never change.")  He smoked and drank and wondered about life inbetween.  Just when he thought life was not worth living anymore, two young men in white shirts and ties came to his casa and told him that He is a child of God...who loves him and his heart knew they were telling the truth.

Pai looked at the time on his phone and shook our hands again...his shadow followed him down the hill and then disappeared as he entered the church to teach his Seminary class.  He musn't keep his students waiting.

Meet Pai.  He teaches Seminary (Old Testament this year) 4 nights a week, (when the lights work).  He is also the Elder's quorum President in the Sao Filipe Branch. . We have attended some of his classes; he teaches straight from the scriptures and his Seminary Manuel held together with string.  He has a small notebook full of his own notes and asks good questions so his students will understand that the Bible words are for their lives. 

One night we were teaching an Institute class in the same building...he saw us looking for chalk and he went to his classroom and pulled out one very small piece..."I won't need this tonight" he insisted and gave it to me.  The next night I returned three new pieces of colored chalk in a zip-lock bag from America. He held the colored pieces of chalk: "I will save this" he said. "Muito Obrigado." (Much Thanks)



Light: a Luxury that comes with a price...
yet children who can barely buy rice,
somehow afford the light in their eyes
and value The Son-shine into their cries...
Why then, do some go about in the dark... 
as if the price (already paid), is too stark?
How can any forget the warmth of the Sun,
A quiet gift daily... reminding each one. 

Oftimes the members come from such humble homes yet come to church
so happy, so clean, so beautiful...it is remarkable! 



Work is the miracle by which talent is brought to the surface and dreams become reality"  (President Hinckley)

Our work here in Cape Verde is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with families.  Each day we meet remarkable people.  We love this work! 

This week we begin teaching a success class for those who do not have money for schooling.  What a marvelous blessing the Church is giving to so many young people with the Perpetual Education Fund!  Students take the class that teaches about work, self-reliance, commitment, and follow-through. Those who need money for school are blessed with a loan which they will pay back (sometimes at $5 a month following their graduation) to bless other lives. Schooling enables them to get a job and earn money and feel confident as they bless their families and communities.  What a marvelous work to love and to lift!  They go to technical schools, learn about computers, refridgeration, painting homes, driving taxis, repairing machines, teaching school, some take medical training, others finance...whatever they choose.  They learn leadership skills and serve in their communty. We are learning so much...

The women sweep dusty cobblestones every day;  as I witness their work I am honored to be in the presence of excellence.

Bem Vindo!

Bem Vindo!  Welcome!  There are no addresses on the island of Fogo...you just ask someone where someone lives and they will direct you up or down the cobblestone streets...and then you ask any neighbor as you get nearer, and they will tell you the exact house and if the family is there... or if not...where.  The people here love for you to follow them to their homes and they  let you sit on their best chair or on their bucket of rice.  I tuck a reminder into my smile as I kiss them on their right cheek, then left cheek..both coming and going.  I must not forget to be such a gracious host in my own home, so people will feel as welcome there.