
Little ones...

It is the little ones that keep all of us going!
That each child can retain the JOY he/she was sent to earth with...
is the work of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST. 

The bright eyes of Innocent Children help us to know
that we are all part of a grand plan of Happiness.  We are literally
Children of a HEAVENLY FATHER and MOTHER who love us PERFECTLY!
We learn so early to choose.
(The purpose for which this earth was created!)
And it doesn't take long to remember how important FAMILY is!

and good friends and cousins...
Because our Spirits know that life is much much more than just spinning our wheels!

No Wonder Life is so WONDER-FULL!

1 comment:

Amy said...

There's something about that 3rd picture that stirs up emotions in me every time. Just such a candid child moment, I guess. Cute little kids! I can't imagine life without these little squishies. I love you!