

The first Stake Presidency in Cabo Verde!!!  President Teixeira is in the middle.  He has such a wonderful spirit and so does his sweet wife. President Teixeira and his two counselors bore  humble and beautiful Testimonies.  What a blessing to hear their words.
Elder Kopischke (Area President, 1st quorum of the Seventy (Germany), Pres. Teixeira (2nd counselor in Area Pres. from Portugal),  President Oliveira (Cabo Verde Mission President).  They gave such powerful talks full of light and hope!

folding programs...

The Future of the Church and of Cabo Verde...all smiles and wearing a tie bigger than he is!

Ready for conference to begin!

Some came very early in the morning and many waited around long afterwards just to drink it all in...including us!

Even the children sensed the JOY!

We also felt great Joy to be invited to go to the Island of Santiago for the formation of the very first ever Stake in Cabo Verde.  It was a magnificent day to witness History in the making! 

A special day for every Cabo Verdean Family...for now and forever!


Ashley said...

So awesome! I love the pictures! How amazing!

Amy said...

I love these pictures!!! Thank you for taking them so we could catch a glimpse of this wonderful day. I love you both.

Lalove Hilton said...

I am constantly so blown away by the amazing experiences you are having on your mission. It makes me so anxious to go on one sooner rather
than later!

Teresa said...

Love it!

Debbie said...

This is so neat to read about. I enjoyed your blog and read some of your recent posts! Keep up the great work. It's inspiring!