
We love these great people!

We just returned from visiting the Boa Vista Branch.  They are amazing and growing fast! 
Seminary class in Espargos.  We love visiting these classes!
Some of our Seminary students here in Santa Maria.  I love how intent the students are in
understanding the scriptures.  I looked around me and  I couldn't resist taking this photo memory.
Like collecting smooth stones, or a colorful leaf,
I simply must put some of these important moments in my 'pocket' to take home with me.
Cleaning up records, dividing branches, and helping train willing young minds are time consuming, but important.
We really admire this young Esmael from Espargos.  He comes in the evenings after school to help in his calling!
I will always be amazed at the inspirations and directions given.
This is a training of two new secretaries in the Boa Vista Branch, Jorge Paulo Te and Jidiel Kenedy Rocha.  Like many times before, a name and password account must first be taught and a simple review of a computer before the training can proceed.  Yet, in faith,
these young people go forth and learn their part and bless other lives along the way.
Trainings and then Interviews.  We love these young people who want to make good decisions
and change their lives to become valuable to their families, neighbors, church, community, and country.
Brand New Elder's Quorum!
Do we really know who we are and what we have?
Do we know we have the power to act, and not merely react?
Do we know that we can help others through the Power of the Priesthood
and bless their lives FOREVER?!

(I went with Lizzy to visit a family after our Primary Training, but when I returned to the church,
I sat in the back and listened to some of Grandpa's message.)


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